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First Dutch-German Forum on Comparative and European Energy Law (FCEEL) on security of gas supply | 03.11.2022

Die vom Institut für Energiewirtschaftsrecht (Prof. Dr. Torsten Körber, LL.M.) mitinitiierte Workshopreihe findet am 03.11.2022 in Tilburg (Niederlande) erstmals statt. Die Teilnahme ist auch online möglich.

At the latest since Russia's war against Ukraine, the import dependency of many European Union member states on Russian natural gas has raised the question of how to ensure gas supply security in Europe. This first Dutch-German Forum on Comparative and European Energy Law (FCEEL) workshop, organized by the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) together with the Institute for Energy Law of the University of Cologne (EWIR), aims to analyse the EU, Dutch and German approach to security of gas supply and possible influences on other member states’ energy markets. The workshop also gives room for critical reflections from the political, legal and economic perspective and – at the best – wants to give recommendations for EU and national policy. The workshop will take place in presence in Tilburg as well as online.

Program and registration: First Dutch-German Forum on Comparative and European Energy Law (FCEEL) on security of gas supply | Tilburg University
